Saturday, December 3, 2011

                            SATANIC RITUAL FOR HAMZAD

This is a satanic invocation of Hamzad (ہمزاد)  which completes in only seven days. Start this invocation from Tuesday in new moon (نوچندی  منگل). All instructions and precautions must be followed otherwise there will be chances of failure with many risks. Wizard should not leave protection circle during ritual, if he leave there may be a great risk of life, or some health problem may arise in a couple of days. 
                           Hamzad ka amal 7 din
Eating of meat, garlic, egg, fish, is prohibited. Myrrh, loban  (لوبان), pipal gard (پیپل  گرد)  is incense (بخور)  for reciting the amal for Hamzad. Use ghee as combustion material in lamp (چراغ). At night lighten the lamp and focus your eyes upon the neck of you shadow and recite 5000 times for seven days. Hamzad will appear on 7th night, make agreement with Hamzad. 

Incantation is written below,

م٘ی٘کِحَل٘ زُی٘زِ عَل٘ تِدَا ھَشَّا وَ بِی٘غَل٘ مُلِعَ

This is a reciprocal verse of Quran, I am writing the verse from Quran so there may not be any suspicion.
عالم الغیبِ وَالشّھادۃِ العَزِیزُ الحَکِیم 
A man did this ritual (amal), on 4th night he saw his room full of snakes, terrified, he stopped reciting and left his protection circle (حصار), on the very next day he found bleeding hemorrhoids. And he became unfit for further rituals of Hamzad. Islamic opinion about such kind of rituals (عملیات) is already explained. Muslims should not perform such kind of rituals.

اس  تحریر  کو  اردو  میں  پڑھنے  کیلئے  نیچے  موجود  تصویر  دیکھیں

عمل  ھمزاد  شیطانی  صرف  سات  یوم

Hamzad ka amal 7 din


Author & Editor

Astrologer, Spiritualist.